Thursday, June 16, 2005

Ya Think???

Here's a news flash: Hashemi Rafsanjani, former Iranian president, has admitted, "[It is] possible that, at times, Iran has not reported its [nuclear] activities." (emphasis added)

I never would have believed it, that Iran's regime could possibly be... deceptive!

Seriously, I never would have believed it, that Iran's regime could possibly ever admit deception. Of course, Rafsanjani continues, "But from the time Iran decided to make such reports, it has made everything transparent." Now, that's the Iran that we know so well.

This report is from The Scotsman (full story here) (HT: WorldNetDaily), which also explains Rafsanjani's promise that if he's elected in tomorrow's presidential election, he would continue to pursue Iran's nuclear program, but only for peaceful purposes.

Yeah, right.

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