Friday, September 02, 2005

Off to Albuquerque

Light post today. I'm getting ready to drive with a friend to Albuquerque tonight. Her daughter lives there and has my friend's antique bedroom furniture, but the daughter is going to be moving back to tornado country in about a month, so my friend wants to get her furniture back to Southern California before it becomes at risk (never mind the "what about earthquakes?" questions--it's my friend's decision). I'm going along to help with the driving (about 12 hrs each way) and just because a road trip sounded like a good time.

Hugh Hewitt has some excellent posts on Katrina and her aftermath, with more good links in them, on his blog (here, here, here, and here).

Also check out Powerline's posts on Katrina here, here, here, and here. Plus there's plenty more.

Finally, keep checking Michelle Malkin's blog for lots more.

Now, it's off to Albuquerque....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found your blog and think you did a great job. What did we do before blogging?


Modern Bedroom Furniture