Monday, March 16, 2009

Dolphins Blow Bubble Rings (Australia) reported Friday on Sea World's latest dolphin discovery. There are no new pink dolphins. Instead, the dolphins have a new game.

SEAWORLD in the US has revealed incredible footage of dolphins blowing bubble rings from their blowholes. The creatures can be seen entertaining crowds at SeaWorld Orlando's Dolphin Cove by creating the bubbles and then spinning them with their noses.

The dolphins also bite the bubble rings to make them smaller and then use eddies to patch them back together.

One of the females can pop out a perfectly formed ring, before she swims through it like a hoop.

SeaWorld trainers said they discovered the underwater show three months ago when they were showing around VIP guests.

"I caught myself going to the glass and just sitting and staring. I couldn't even talk," one trainer said.

"It was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen."

Enjoy the video:

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