Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Grieving Father Responds to Cindy Sheehan

In today's, Robert R. Griffin, a father who lost a son in Iraq, answers the media fascination with Cindy Sheehan. In the process, he shares a different view than the one that keeps getting reported, giving the stories of several grieving families.

Here is just a snippet of what he says:

Although we all walk the same sad road of sorrow and agony, we walk it as individuals with all the refreshing uniqueness of our own thoughts shaped in large measure by the life and death of our own fallen hero. Over the past few days I have reached out to other parents and loved ones of fallen heroes in an attempt to find out their reactions to all the attention Mrs. Sheehan has attracted. What emerges from those conversations is an empathy for Mrs. Sheehan's suffering but a fundamental disagreement with her politics.

Read the whole thing. It's a powerful reminder of the sacrificial decisions made by the members of our military, and the pride of the family members they left behind.

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