Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Saddam's Atrocities

I haven't heard of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies before, but I think I like them. WorldNetDaily reported today on the FDD's latest project.

Responding to accusations Saddam Hussein is being "demonized" as his trial resumes, a U.S. group has released videotapes documenting torture and murder ordered by the former Iraqi dictator.

"Television news understandably will not broadcast these videos, but they are nevertheless an important record of Saddam Hussein's crimes against humanity," said FDD President Clifford May.

May believes it was necessary to "set the record straight" after Saddam defense attorney Ramsey Clark, the former U.S. attorney general, complained to American media that the former leader was being "demonized."

The videos are available here. They are extremely graphic and include sound.

I'm curious. When Ramsey Clark complained to the American media about Saddam's "demonization," was the media sympathetic? The cynic in me would guess that they were. Can't be calling Saddam a butcher, mass-murderer, torturer, exterminator, genocidal tyrant. That would be to "demonize" him.

By definition, though, there's no such thing as demonizing a demon. Saddam was a demon when he ruled Iraq, and he raised his sons to be demons as well. His sons are dead (good riddance), and Saddam is facing Iraqi justice (Lord willing, it will truly be justice in the end).

The Left and its media partners delight in showing the Abu Graib and Gitmo pictures as often as they can, but they can't bring themselves to show the 9/11 footage, any footage of the things Saddam did (and he did videotape many of his atrocities), or the beheadings by al Qaeda operatives--even edited. They don't want us to remember who our enemies are and what they're capable of.

The Left is happy to demonize America and her Commander-in-Chief. But they refuse expose the real demons. Heaven help the people who rely on the Left's media for their understanding of the world.

Related Note:

Chris Malott has a great post on the attitude of the Left toward our military. It's appalling, but not surprising (there's that cynic in me again).

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