Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Women Worry About Weight

Newsflash! Reuters reported Monday that the University of Nebraska in Lincoln actually spent the time and money to conduct a study that showed women worry about their weight more than men do.

Women are more likely to think they need to lose weight than men are, and more likely to diet, a new study of college students shows.

"These findings are in agreement with reports of women's tendency to hold stronger beliefs related to nutrition than men," Dr. Judy A. Driskell of the University of Nebraska in Lincoln and colleagues write. "Though men have some sensitivity to body fat, women are much more sensitive."

No kidding.

Dr. Driskell couldn't think of anything more important or less obvious to study?

Your tax dollars at work...

1 comment:

Christina said...

Okay, I try not to use the term very often but, DUH!!!

All anyone has to do is look at what qualifies as a medium or large in much of women's clothing and they could have figured that one out.

Why doesn't anyone ever ask me to do some of these studies and pay me the big bucks?