Tuesday, May 10, 2005

President Bush in the Netherlands

President Bush is in the Netherlands to honor the Americans who died during WWII. Naturally, this brings out protesters and activists. As Reuters reports, while most busied themselves actually protesting, one man was hurt on a spiked fence as he tried to photograph the security arrangements.

A group of six activists, however, were busier. They were arrested trying to get into President Bush's hotel to see for themselves the shocking (yes, shocking) fact that President Bush has a "suitcase which allows him to activate nuclear weapons." The activists dressed as "citizen inspectors" in IAEA-like clothing (full story here).

"'We heard Bush carries a nuclear suitcase and can push the red button at any time to set off atomic weapons. We find this extremely shocking,' said Leo de Groot, a spokesman for the activist group."

Where have these activists been? Don't they watch any movies? It's common knowledge that all US Presidents have access to the atomic codes, and Hollywood likes to use this as a plot point in some of their movies.

Weren't these activists upset that President Clinton had access to the codes? Was his access acceptable, but the "Cowboy President" seems like more of a danger to them? Didn't they worry, four years ago, when the codes passed from Clinton to Bush?

You've gotta feel sorry for people who are so out of touch, so out of date, that they're only now figuring out little bits and pieces of reality. Let's just be glad, for their sake, that the activists didn't actually find the suitcase with the codes. The military aides responsible for it might have done worse to them than just arrest them.

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