Friday, August 19, 2005

Our Military

I was listening to Laura Ingraham's radio show this morning, with a guest host whose name I can't remember. He had just finished up with a guest from Vermont, whose son had died in Iraq and who said, "Cindy Sheehan doesn't represent me."

After that, a man named Leo called in and told about his son, who is still in Iraq. Leo was so passionate and so full of pride for his son. He told about his son's high school graduation, when they announced that he was joining the military, and Leo stood up and said, "That's my son!" His son's boot camp graduation was the same week as September 11, so the family's plane tickets were cancelled, and they had to get to his graduation another way, and they were so proud of him. Lately, from Iraq, Leo's son told him that he re-enlisted, and Leo said, "That's awesome!"

What a great call! The next call was from a mom who just lost her son in Iraq, and she was just as full of pride, mingled with tears, as Leo was. And there were other great calls as well. Cindy Sheehan's anti-war views are definitely not representative of the families of our military, but hers is the only view the mainstream media is reporting.

So I refer you to these two articles in World magazine (HT: Hugh Hewitt):

The first is about the quality of men and women enlisting in the military. Contrary to Bill Maher and others on the left, the military is not scraping the bottom of the barrel to get recruits.

The second is about a funeral held recently in Seattle for Lance Cpl. Nicholas Bloem, who was killed in Iraq early this month.

It's not as though all the supportive families are hard for the MSM to find. It's that the media doesn't want to find them.


Anonymous said...
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petunia said...
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petunia said...

thank you - yours is one of the first conservative and sensible blogs i've read.
I have friends that are Iraqi Americans and the father escaped (being one of the honchos during the civil war over there) and came to the US. He had been forced to be in Saddam's army, forced to fight and got shot. He will tell you there are (or at least were) weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He thinks they snuck them over the borders and they are being stored. He witnessed them being used on whole villages in Iraq and towns in Iran - and anyone else Saddam wanted to be "out of the way".

When he went back to Iraq last year he took video of everywhere he went---they were all shouting "thank you Mr. Bush, thank you USA". Do these sound like people who don't want us there?
The liberal Media would like us to think the whole world is against the US being there, even the Iraqis--- but we know better!
(sorry, i know i'm preaching to the choir - so i'll get off my soapbox)

12:15 PM

Dave said...

You missed Sheehan's point. She's very proud of her son and the other troops, but why did they have to die? Most of these folks who encouraged their children to enlist have to believe we're over there for a good reason, which of course we're not since it turns out W lied about the reasons for going. These parents have to believe because otherwise they have to admit they encouaged their children to risk their lives for a lie. Sheehan is just realistic enough not to lie to herself and brave enough to focus her anger where it belongs--at Bush and his cronies--instead of back on herself. Casey Sheehan and the other 1,800-plus American war dead were sacrificed for Bush and his accomplices' greed.

If this were about preventing another 9/11, then why aren't we at war with Saudi Arabia, where the money for the attack came from and the homeland of most of the 9/11 terrorists? Because Bush and his father have been doing booming business with the Saudis for decades, that's why.

I know you mean well, but you're woefully ignorant of the facts.

SkyePuppy said...


Great story about your friends' dad! I have no doubt that Saddam sent his WMDs over the border, since President Bush gave him lots of notice before we invaded.

Over and over on the milblogs, the story comes out about how happy the Iraqis are to have us there helping them out. And over and over they are disappointed to see the way the US media distorts the story.

SkyePuppy said...


Thank you for your concern for my woeful ignorance. I feel properly condescended to.

Just because my information does not come directly from Michael Moore or, that doesn't mean I'm ill-informed.

Sometimes, understanding the reality in the Middle East takes a bit more nuance and complexity of thought than some of the anti-war groups seem to put into the issue.

Pat in NC said...

I think some Americans actually believe that we are the only ones entitled to live in freedom. I support our military and am proud of the job they are doing. Is this war perfectly run? No, but none of our wars have been perfect. With the bravery of the troops and with the support of the people we have always won--except Vietnam when the doves made us quit when we won all the battles.