Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dutch Official Calls for Mandatory Abortions

Some people have no sense of history. The sweep of time and the lessons of the past go right on by them without ruffling a hair on their heads, let alone firing up any neurons.

WorldNetDaily reported today that Dutch health official, Alderman Marianne van den Anker of the Leefbaar Rotterdam Party, has called for forced abortions and contraception to prevent unwanted children. Her proposal would target Antilleans and Arubans.

The target groups for her program are Antillean teenage mothers; drug addicts and people with mental handicaps, she said, according to a report in Expatica.

According to the report, Van den Anker said children from these groups run an "unacceptable risk" of growing up without love and with "violence, neglect, mistreatment and sexual abuse."

"The exceptions," she said, "and there are some, can be counted on a pair of hands."

Let's see, who was the last guy in Europe to start targeting people with mental handicaps?

Does Van den Anker even have any clue what her misplaced compassion amounts to? Is there nobody in the world who would be willing to adopt Antillean and Aruban babies born to women unable to care for them? Did she even consider starting a program for the adoption of these children? Isn't there a Dutch program for helping these women kick the drugs?

If the only exceptions can be counted on a pair of hands, then the forced sterilizations and abortions will result in genocide.

For this short-sighted health minister, sterilization and abortion must look like easy answers. But easy answers usually create even tougher problems in the long run.

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