This is priceless.
WorldNetDaily reported today that this photo is making the rounds of the internet.
As a national uproar continues over comments by Sen. John Kerry suggesting American troops were lazy and not bright, President Bush is hammering Kerry and fellow Democrats for their lack of strategy for winning the war in Iraq, while troops themselves are mocking Kerry.
The video of Kerry's statement is here.
Every talk radio show I listened to yesterday (Laura Ingraham, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, and Hugh Hewitt) covered this. So did a huge chunk of the blogosphere (here, here, here, here, and here, just for starters). La Shawn Barber (third "here") defended Kerry in the sense of allowing that he may have actually botched a joke. She may be right about that, because Kerry is so humorless, it would be a wonder if he has ever told a joke that came out funny.
The military is livid. The American Legion's national commander called for Kerry to apologize.
The White House called on Kerry to apologize to the troops (from today's AP report).
Kerry's response?
Kerry, who is considering another run for the White House in 2008, told a hastily called news conference, "I apologize to no one for my criticism of the president and of his broken policy."
But he wasn't able to hold that ground for very long. As Hedgehog Blog reported today, Kerry became kryptonite to the Democrats. They started backing away from him almost immediately.
Kerry canceled his appearance at a Democratic rally in Minnesota. He canceled his appearance at a Bob Casey event in Pennsylvania. And an Iowa candidate for the House of Representatives, Bruce Braley, canceled Kerry's campaign appearance for him later this week.
Kerry must have started facing facts, because he finally apologized to the military (HT: La Shawn Barber):
"I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform and I personally apologize to any service member, family member or American who was offended," Kerry said in a statement.
But for those on the Left who really believe what Kerry's words implied, what is the truth about the education and economic class of the military (from the WorldNetDaily article, above)?
Last year, the Heritage Foundation published a study titled, "Debunking the myth of the underprivileged soldier," which said "the typical recruit in the all-volunteer force is wealthier, more educated and more rural than the average 18- to 24-year-old citizen is."
For every two recruits coming from the poorest neighborhoods, the study said, "there are three recruits coming from the richest neighborhoods."
Notwithstanding that photo at the top, our military personnel are no slouches. It's a shame so many in our country believe they are.
Can you imagine how much fun the military community is having with this photograph?
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Hello skyepuppy..I saw you on Susan's blog and after I read this and looked at the video. I just sat here thinking..
"That is such a cruel thing to say!" It gives me such a pain in my heart for those troops. It is a slap in their face!!
For sure and they are having fun with it but don't you think Skyepuupy that they are hurting inside about it too?
That Mr. Kerry is mean guy!
I am Canadian but those American troops are dear to my heart.
Many Canadians don't realize just how much America and those brave young men and woman have done for us as a country.
Every Wednesday at our prayer meeting they are prayed for...Your's truly Terry [Teresa] from Welland, Ont., a friend of Susans'.
You're right, this is a slap in the face of our military. But John Kerry has been slapping them for 30 years, so it's not a surprise.
Our military knows the truth, that they are better educated than the general population, and that they have the support of the American people.
I don't believe John Kerry's slap really hurt them, because they don't respect him enough to care what he thinks.
Certainly the military at my church (we have quite a few) would appreciate knowing they have your prayers.
I'm glad you stopped by. You're welcome to come any time. God bless you and your prayer group.
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