Sunday, March 12, 2006

Space Weather

I'm on the email distribution list for NASA's news updates, as well as their SpaceWeather updates. You can subscribe for SpaceWeather by clicking on the "Subscribe to SpaceWeather News" link at the top of their main page here. NASA's Science news is here. You can subscribe in the blue box at the bottom of the links along the left-hand side of the main page.

The emails that SpaceWeather sends are especially useful for people who live in the northern latitudes, because they tell you, among other things, when to expect the Northern Lights and how far south the lights should be visible. They also have galleries of photos people have taken of the auroras and other space phenomena.

Today's email brought news of the coming penumbral lunar eclipse on Tuesday, March 14. Unfortunately, it won't do me any good, because this eclipse won't be visible in California. For those of you in the east, take a peek at the moon between 6:18pm and 7:18pm EST, when the eclipse will be at its fullest. Here's a visiblilty map that will give a better look at what a penumbral eclipse is and where it will be visible.

Very cool, if you get to see it.

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