Thursday, July 27, 2006

Blogger Troubles

I'm starting to wonder if my laptop at home hates me.

I got home from work last night at around 10:30pm, drained and wanting to check a few friendly blogs. But I couldn't get to any blogspot blogs. I couldn't get to Blogger to post anything, either.

Google was up. WorldNetDaily was up. Townhall was up. La Shawn Barber's Corner was up.

So I gave up, took my little dog Abby outside one last time, and went to bed.

This morning I checked again. Blogger blogs were down. The whole rest of the internet world was up. I felt cut off from my blogofriends and adversaries (screaming, "Lost! My Precious lost!!!"). I gave up again and came to work.

Where it seems nobody else had trouble. Malott's Blog posted his latest in a series of Gardening Tips without mentioning anything amiss. And he did it at about the same time I kept getting that white screen that tells you "You can't get there from here."

I dunno. I think my laptop is out to get me. And I liked it so well until now...


Malott said...

So what's the difference between blogger and blogspot?

I experience chronic problems all the time here and at work. But this morning I was even able to upload pictures at home on my slow dial-up AOL... though it took several tries.

Don't give up, Skyepuppy. You're one of my favorite habits.

SkyePuppy said...


Blogger is the site where all the updates happen (posting, comments). Blogspot is the hosting site.

Usually when Blogger is down for maintenance, you can still look at the Blogspot-hosted blogs. You just can't leave comments.

I don't know what happened at home. I'll probably reboot my laptop, rather than leave it on standby. No telling what time I'll be home, though.

janice said...

I too, was unable to post this morning. I could go to yours and Chris' blog, however I was unable to get to blogger and post. I even deleted my "cookies" to no avail.

SkyePuppy said...


Then maybe my computer is nice to me after all.

It's probably that Blogger likes men better than women...

janice said...

Maybe it's a "left wing blogger" conspiracy against, not women, but great bloggers!

Just kidding Chris, I think you're great!