Monday, July 24, 2006

Global Warming's Good News

I'll start by declaring myself a skeptic about Global Warming. The facts leave much of the theory in doubt.

But let's throw all that aside for now and assume that all the "respectable" scientists are right and Global Warming is real (scientists who don't believe GW is real are not considered "respectable" by those who do). In that case, there's good news on the Environment/Nature front.

Reindeer and salmon in Finland are doing much better, now that Finland is warming up. The Times Online (UK) reported the story yesterday.

SHORTER winters, longer summers and a slight rise in temperature in northernmost Europe are proving a boon for arctic wildlife, agriculture and tourism.

In spite of dire warnings about climate change, the most northerly reaches of Scandinavia are basking in good news: reindeer are growing stronger and the salmon larger. New possibilities are opening up for tourism trade and even for wine-makers.

In Rovaniemi, Father Christmas’s Lapland home in northern Finland, reindeer are putting on weight. Jan-Eric Paadar, a herdsman’s son in the northerly Inari region, said recent shorter winters meant Finland’s 200,000 reindeer had longer to graze on grass and lichen. “It’s easier to find food when the winter comes later and later all the time,” he said.

Salmon farmers are also benefiting. At Volden, a family-run salmon and trout producer in the coastal town of Alta, an employee said higher water temperatures made fish eat more and grow faster.

I've noticed that higher-temperature effect too. We've had high temperatures the past week, and I've been eating more Healthy Choice fudgecicles to keep cool (they're way better than the real brand).

So now the environmental-extremist, global-warming-alarmist left-wingers are facing a conundrum: Should they encourage Global Warming, so the animals can eat better? Or should they sacrifice the well-being of Finland's reindeer and salmon, in order to save everyone else from the perils of Global Warming?

We'll have to keep watching to see what they choose.


Malott said...

"...they're way better than the real brand."

Skyepuppy, I laughed out loud when I read that and I'm not sure that's a good thing to do at 5:15AM.

I also liked very much your chimpanzee statement on my blog site. It reminded me of the story of the Johnson brothers who crossed the Ohio River into Kentucky to steal a pig. You've probably heard it... but if not...

All_I_Can_Stands said...

There was a Reader's Digest article about 8 years ago describing a potential Paradise brought on by moderate global warming.

While I think taking an accurate global temperature is more of an art than a science, I think there may have been some kind of slight rise in temp.

The question is whether it is caused by man and whether it will become catestrophic. These I reject as junk science.

I love the point made at where Gore has some chart showing rises in temperature as CO2 gases rise. JS points out that as temperatures warm, vegetation increases. With more vegetation, you would expect a rise in CO2 gases, right? Of course it is more fun trying to weaken the US economy by signing onto bogus, expensive treaties.

SkyePuppy said...


Skyepuppy, I laughed out loud when I read that...

What?? I don't get it. That was supposed to be helpful not humorous. You haven't tried them, have you?

Oh, wait. I'm humor-impaired, right? You can tell me the truth...because I haven't heard the story of the Johnson brothers either!

SkyePuppy said...


"Moderate global warming." Is there such a thing? They're up in arms right now, and there's only been a change of one degree in decades. If that's going to bring us to the brink of "catastrophic" before we know it, there's no hope.

And if the earth is so close to the edge of destruction, then I have to say we have an amazing God who has managed to keep life going all these billions and billions of years.

I'll have to take a look at junkscience. That's Al Gore's website, right?

All_I_Can_Stands said...

They certainly have had an irrational response to very moderate global warming (one degree).

I have certainly enjoyed the moderate winters we have had recently.

SkyePuppy said...


I haven't been enjoying our hot spell out here. We've had genuine HUMIDITY!!! It's appalling! I spent half of the weekend trying not to sweat (the other half was seeking out air conditioning).

Humidity isn't supposed to be allowed west of the Mississippi. It could be a new border-control problem...