It's getting to be about that time, the time when people start looking back over the year. Wired News has already published not one, but two lists of the Top Ten somethings of 2007.
The first is their Top 10 New Organisms of 2007, organisms that did not exist on December 31, 2006. My favorite, of course, is the glow-in-the-dark kittens, which only made number 7 on their list.
The second is their Top 10 Scientific Breakthroughs of 2007. This one lists them more like a David Letterman Top 10 list, from 10 up to 1.
My least favorite breakthrough is number 4 (Enzymes Convert Any Blood Type to O), because I have Type O blood, and while I understand the benefits to mankind of being able to use anybody's blood for anybody, I'm a little bummed at losing my great desirablilty as a blood donor.
My favorites are numbers 2 and 1. In breakthrough number 2 (Chimpanzees Make Spears for Hunting), they go into detail about the horrifying truth of bloodthirsty chimps.
But number 1 (Researchers Turn Skin Cells to Stem Cells) was the best. The promise of the end of using embryonic stem cells is a great one.
And now, along the same--though non-scientific--lines, here is my Top Ten List of Places My Mom and I Visited in 2007.
10. Boston Duck Tour
9. Port Townsend
8. Oregon Coast
7. Barbeque Competition
6. St. Louis
5. Mystic Seaport
4. Yellowstone National Park (and here)
3. Glacier National Park
2. Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
1. Niagara Falls
Note: This list is subject to change in content and order, depending on when you ask me.
My least favorite breakthrough is number 4 (Enzymes Convert Any Blood Type to O), because I have Type O blood, and while I understand the benefits to mankind of being able to use anybody's blood for anybody, I'm a little bummed at losing my great desirablilty as a blood donor.
Whoa...I have not been keeping up with this stuff. That's pretty cool (I'm a B positive). I guess I too, am no longer special: B positive blood is extremely valuable - less than 8% of the population possess this particular group. Matching supply to demand is a constant challenge - we rarely have more than a few days supply of B positive in stock.
So, what's the number one place you and your mom visited, now?
My number one place is still Niagara Falls. :o)
The ones that change are at the bottom. Seattle might pop up on the list. Or Lubec, Maine, when I start thinking about Monica's Chocolates. But Niagara Falls was exhilarating, so it's hard for that place to drop down the list.
It made me smile to see your top ten were the wonderful travels you and mom enjoyed.
It was great meeting both of you on your way to see Cleveland relatives and Niagara Falls. Thanks again for stopping by for tea and sweets.
Going places was about the only thing I did 10 of this year (unless you count books I read, but then I'd probably have to list such winners as Moseby's Pocket Dictionary of Medical Terminology--no, thanks).
And you were part of the reason we took the route we did through Ohio. We had a great time visiting you and Nick!
But Niagara Falls was exhilarating, so it's hard for that place to drop down the list.
Unless you took a barrel ride, down the Falls...
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