Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Israel Must Live

W. Thomas Smith, Jr. has a column in yesterday's Town Hall on Israel's 58th anniversary of its independence. He discusses some of Israel's history and the dynamics within the country and with their neighbors. What really grabbed my attention were some sobering statements at the end.

"The only thing standing between Western Civilization and the anarchy of Islamo-fascism is the fact that there is a Western country in the Middle East, namely Israel,” says [Romanian-born Holocaust survivor, Al Linder, who now lives in Stamford, Connecticut]. "If Israel did not exist, all of the energy and attention of the Islamic World would be focused on Christian Europe."

I'm not sure that Europe is Christian anymore, but there's no question Europe would be next if the Islamofascists succeed in wiping Israel off the map. America would probably be the next target after Europe.

My friend, Gary Goldstein, a New York-based books editor and fourth-generation Jewish American, agrees.

"Strategically, Israel is a major deterrent to the spread of radical Islam throughout that part of the world," says Goldstein. "Israeli intelligence is a vital component to the U.S. and our country's interests in that oil-rich but wildly unstable part of the world. And Lord knows we could take a page from the IDF and the Mossad on fighting terrorism – you don't read much about bureaucratic infighting and the not sharing of major intelligence between those two groups."

So, the big question might be what the future holds for the Jewish state. No one has that answer. What is known is that Israel is one of the most hotly contested lands in the world. It always has been. It may always be.

And on this 58th anniversary of Israel’s Independence, I am reminded of the words of the late social commentator Eric Hoffer, who in 1967 said, "I have a premonition that will not leave me: as it goes with Israel so it will go with all of us. Should Israel perish, the Holocaust will be upon us. ISRAEL MUST LIVE!"


SkyePuppy said...

Free Israel,

Yes, Israel's friends remember, although her friends are few.

janice said...

Well said FI, I've been to your site and support Israel in my prayers and with "donuts & RC" to the IDF this past Hanukkah.

Michael Medved's history tapes/CD "Why they fight" and "5 Middle East Wars" put to rest the myth that Israel stole land and created the refugees. Well worth the purchase.

teddy4050 said...

Now is the time to tell the world that Israel is one state for the Jewish People from the Mediterranean to the Jordan from Golan to the Negev. One Nation for all the peaceful people who would love her and never resort to violence no matter their faith or beliefs with equal rights for all who call Israel their home. If they can’t be peaceful they should move to one of the many Islamic states (23 I think) where they can seek whatever they think they’re looking for in life without hurting others. I know I am commenting on an article written in 2006 but thoughts are as true today as they were 13 years ago.