Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Trip - Back With Mom and Scooter

I got into Cisco about 6:00 tonight, after staying last night in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Scooter was beside himself with joy when he saw me, which made me feel pretty good. And my mom was glad to see me too! It's good to be back.

The fog had cleared up by yesterday morning, and the frost I saw all over my car when I first woke up had melted by the time I was ready to hit the road. The rest of the trip was uneventful, besides the assault to my nose by the stretch of road with the dairy farms and the other stretch of road with oil rigs and refineries. But most of the stretches of road were smell-free, and that was good.

My mom has a couple doctor's appointments this week, and if they go well (we're not expecting problems), we'll be leaving soon. So between now and departure time, we're going to have to figure out where to go in The South and what we'll have time to see. We need to be at my friend's daughter's house in Florida by the 24th or 25th to prepare for our Caribbean cruise. It's time to start planning.

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