Monday, November 10, 2008


I saw this at Sparks from the Anvil last month and thought about posting it on my blog, but evidently that thought left my mind almost as quickly as it arrived.

Then last Thursday I was talking to one of my daughter's friends, who had done gymnastics in high school and was now trying her hand at pole vault in college. The gymnastics reminded me of the video, so I told her about it, and when I got home, I asked my daughter to "Facebook it" to her.

Another of my daughter's friends was visiting at the time, so we showed it to her. And right before my daughter went to bed, she asked me to play it again for her (her computer was already shut down), so I did, which got the song running through my head so strongly that I woke up with it too!

Here's the video. Watch and be happy.

We've decided that the little girls with the T-shirts over their faces can probably see through the fabric. And the girl who sticks her face up to the camera in the middle of the video reminds me of my niece when she was younger (yes, my sister, that would be your daughter, not our brother's).

Great video! Thank you, WordSmith. You're a genius.

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