Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Trip - Day 1

I didn't get on the road until 2:30, after filling my car with my stuff, filling the tank with gas, and filling the cooler with ice. My kids kept me company from late morning until I left.

Five hours on the road (with stops for a snack, a rest area, and dinner) only got me to Yuma, still with half a tank of gas left. It may only be by two miles, but I'm out of California.

Here are a couple pictures I took from the road while driving. I love little bitty cameras with big viewing screens!

Yorkie with his head out the window:

This is along the I-8 east of Alpine, which is east of San Diego. When I was a kid and we drove to see our cousins in Houston, we took the same route. I wondered then why the people who name mountain ranges wasted the name "Rocky Mountains" on some other range, when this place was the more deserving recipient of that name. Or maybe the Boulder Mountains would do. No such luck. These hills are in the Cuyamaca Mountains. But maybe Cuyamaca is the Kumeyaay name for "overflowing with big rocks."

I don't expect to make it all the way to my mom's house today. Hopefully across Arizona and most of New Mexico, though.


Charlie said...

I hope your trip across my beloved southern Arizona was enjoyable and trouble-free!

Bekah said...

I'm glad you're posting pictures. This would be a giant part of the USA that I've not seen, so I'm excited to see it through your camera lens!!!

SkyePuppy said...


It was definitely trouble-free. And hot. I had forgotten about hot, except in theory, but now I remember in reality again.


More to come...