Saturday, March 25, 2006

Optimism About Iraq

Omar, at Iraq the Model, has an excellent post on his optimism about "Iran's destructive game in Iraq."

One and actually the most important is that we have an American ambassador who recognizes Iran's role in supporting both ends of violence in Iraq; that's the Shia militias, namely the notorious Mehdi Army of Muqtada al-Sadr and the extreme terror groups like al-Qaeda's Ansar al-Sunna. Knowing that ambassador Khalil Zad will be the one leading the talks with Iran makes me feel that the talks are in good hands that are aware of the scope of the conflict.

I really wonder how those politicians forget (or give a blind eye to) the fact that Iran and Syria are the strongest allies to each other to the degree that Iran's president described Syria as "Our first front in the confrontation with our mutual enemies…" and both countries do not want Iraq to be stable and would do literally anything to stop Iraq from becoming a peaceful democracy because they think that keeping America pinned in a troubled Iraq can deplete America's determination and resources and discourage her from confronting the regimes in Damascus and Tehran.

There's been so much in the news lately about coverage of the war, starting with Laura Ingraham's appearance on the Today Show this past week, where she accused the mainstream media of overemphasizing the negative news from Iraq. CNN reacted by having a segment on the issue two days in a row, and other news outlets have discussed the question of media bias as well.

It's a pity the MSM doesn't take Laura's advice and start talking to the real people on the ground in Iraq. Omar and Mohammed at Iraq the Model would be the perfect place to start.


janice said...

You are so write. The MSM focus is on reorting the negative. I was so glad Laura got a few shots in on the Today Show. Her reporting from Iraq was impressive and shows what the balcony reporters don't. I have given up on the "Big 3". Bill Bennett, Laura Ingraham, Michael Medved & Hugh Hewitt keep me in the loop with whole truth.

SkyePuppy said...


The disturbing part of the MSM coverage is that they don't have a clue that they're doing biased reporting. Their reaction to Laura's criticism was to get defensive. "We don't stay on the balcony! Why we actually go to the insurgents and report on how they feel--and you should be impressed that we would do something so dangerous." Meanwhile, they avoid interviewing Iraqi civilians who might have something nice to say about the coalition forces.
