Thursday, March 23, 2006

Rethinking Things

I decided last week that "I'm so outta here." All that's left is to wait out the crunch time, update my resumes (both the IT-related and the travel-related ones), and start looking for real. But driving home the past several weeks, long after Hugh Hewitt's radio show ended for the night, I've had some quiet time to think and pray in the car.

It occurred to me last night that I haven't been asking the right question. I've been thinking about what I could do and not really about why.

I could fly to Louisville or Charleston or Indianapolis or (not) Detroit, where mainframe programming jobs seem to be. I could apply for a job as a flight attendant or as a full-time tour director, either of which could require me to relocate. But that wouldn't answer the question:

What purpose is there in the change I'm making?

So far, my main purpose is to make the pain stop. And that's not enough of a reason to uproot myself and my little dog, Abby, and make my daughter have to decide whether to move in with her dad or try to get a job that will let her move in with some roommates.

Running away is never the right answer. There has to be something to run to, or you find that you've jumped from the frying pan and now you're burning in some other fire.

It looks like I've still got some thinking to do.


Anonymous said...

You BET you've still got some thinking to do. Or.. you know, you could give me some money, and help me to move out on my own for, say, my first year. ;) It could be your graduation present to me!

You know you want to...

SkyePuppy said...

Thanks, Charlie. Barbara Nicolosi has some wonderful insights.

"...doesn’t mean you know how to get there.”


"...hovering in faith."

These are the thoughts that say, "Wow, I feel that now."

I had lunch yesterday with a bunch of people who used to work at my previous job (the company shipped almost all of their IT department to the Midwest a couple years ago), but the two who are still there said that soon they're going to have two openings that I'm qualified for. And someone who works where I do now mentioned another department here that may or may not have openings, but if they do, I'd be able to work normal (sane) hours and use my skills better.

I sure wish the Lord wouldn't stay so quiet for so long. Or maybe I keep wearing spiritual earmuffs. Hard to say.

I should be able to get to the resumes this weekend, and then we'll see what doors get opened and which ones slam shut.