Friday, March 17, 2006

Saddam and al-Qaida

WorldNetDaily reported today that we may be getting closer to documenting the link between Saddam Hussein's government and al-Qaida before 9/11.

Among the pre-war documents posted online yesterday by the Pentagon is a letter from a member of Saddam's intelligence apparatus indicating al-Qaida and the Taliban had a relationship with the regime prior to the 9-11 attacks.

The article has the complete English translation of the letter, dated September 15, 2001.

There is a disclaimer which, no doubt, the Left will sieze upon:

Weekly Standard reporter Stephen Hayes, whose reporting has helped move members of Congress to call for release of the documents, nevertheless, has cautioned that they are published with a caveat. The Pentagon website says: "The U.S. Government has made no determination regarding the authenticity of the documents, validity or factual accuracy of the information contained therein, or the quality of any translations, when available."

Still, the more we learn, the more we find documentation that supports the President's pre-Iraq-War justification. It's about time the Left and it's media mouthpieces wake up and smell the smoking gun.

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