Saturday, April 08, 2006

More Rabbit News

For those of you who became concerned for your gardening safety after I posted the story of the attack rabbit (and you know who you are), be thankful you don't live in Britain.

The Scotsman reported Saturday that there's a monster rabbit rampaging through the vegetable gardens of Felton, Northumberland.

The main clues to the culprit are some oversized pawprints and sightings of a cross between a hare and a rabbit with one ear larger than the other.

Jeff Smith, 63, spotted the black and brown animal two months ago. He said: "This is no ordinary rabbit. We are dealing with a monster. The first time I saw it I thought to myself: 'What the hell is that?' I have seen its prints and they are huge. It is a brute of a thing."

Mr Smith, who has kept an allotment for 25 years, said: "We have two lads here with guns, but it is clever. They never see it. There were big rabbits before pesticides were introduced, but not like this."

Never a group to keep quiet about animals, PETA has chimed in about the monster bunny.

A spokeswoman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said: "It seems ridiculous to demonise this animal for doing what it can to survive."

PETA probably thinks that gophers deserve to live, too. Hmmf!


Malott said...

While kneeling in his garden, pulling weeds from the rain-softened soil, out of the corner of his eye he sensed movement. Looking behind him he saw a single Eastern Cottontail (Sylviligus floridanus as we say in Greentown) sitting 30 feet away staring directly at him. He absently brushed his hair from his forhead and went back to his weeding.

Looking back a moment later he saw 5 rabbits sitting there, their hollow black eyes trained on him. With pulse quickening he turned back to his garden for only a moment before looking back to see 50 rabbits watching his every move.

He stood, his heart pounding in his chest, and looked longingly at the back door to his house... knowing it was much too far... knowing that death would not come quickly.

Thanks, Skye Puppy.

SkyePuppy said...

We aim to please...

Anonymous said...

I've written a song about it.