Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Working Late

I worked until midnight Monday night. I had two projects that had to be finished, and by 9:00 I ran out of steam and started feeling sorry for myself. Ordinarily I would have packed it up and gone home, but Monday I couldn't. So I slugged it out, finished the first project around 10:00, and finally got the second one finished about ten minutes before the stroke of Tuesday.

As I was walking out to my car, this bunny was loitering on the sidewalk. Since the incident with the hawk, when I was caught without my camera, I've been bringing my camera with me in my tote bag. Faced with a bunny, though, I almost forgot I had it.

My first picture, with him on the sidewalk, came out blurry, and the flash sent him gently hopping over to the grass. I never know how close I can get before I spook wild animals, but I've got 10-x zoom on my camera and I used every x of it. He held still, gave me the red-eye treatment (I think that means rabbits can see color, because dogs can't and they get yellow-eye effect from the flash, but that's not exactly scientific, so don't quote me on that), then hopped well away from me and my camera flash.

We don't get monster rabbits around here--or Jimmy Carter's killer rabbit--just these guys, small and gray with small, white tails and small, tentative hops. I kinda like them, because if they're a nuisance, they do it at somebody else's house.

And this bunny gave me something to smile about after a long, long day at work.


Anonymous said...

Just in case you need some refreshing on how evil bunnies can be, watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail a time or two. That'll learn ya!

Let's get a bunny! Then Abby can chase it and then we can have rabbit stew... Homemade. And you can cut work for a day be cause you can say that you were too traumatized to go to work because your pet rabbit was viciously murdered in your own homE!

And then, since you've got all that time since you're not at work, you can actually MAKE the stew, and still have time to eat it. You can have your stew and eat it, too! (Ha. It rhymes.)

The end.

Malott said...

Mm Hmm.

A rabbit with a demonic red eye. Very nice. Not terribly subtle, but effective.

If it had broccoli on its breath it probably came straight from my garden.

SkyePuppy said...


I saw and smelled no sign of broccoli.