Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Dennis Prager on "World Opinion"

Dennis Prager's weekly column in WorldNetDaily yesterday looked at the morality of "world opinion." He opens his column with his conclusion.

If you are ever morally confused about a major world issue, here is a rule that is almost never violated: Whenever you hear that "world opinion" holds a view, assume it is morally wrong.

And here is a related rule if your religious or national or ethnic group ever suffers horrific persecution: "World opinion" will never do a thing for you. Never.

"World opinion" has little or nothing to say about the world's greatest evils and regularly condemns those who fight evil.

Ask the 1.5 million Armenians massacred by the Ottoman Turks;

or the 6 million Ukrainians slaughtered by Stalin;

or the 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their helpers throughout Europe;

or the 60 million Chinese butchered by Mao;

or the 2 million Cambodians murdered by Pol Pot

And that's not even half of his list.

The Left in our country loves to worry about "world opinion." They scream that President Bush (make that "Mr. Bush"--they don't claim him as their President) squandered America's good world opinion after 9/11 when he invaded Iraq/Afghanistan. Exactly which country they cite depends on how far to the left they are.

John Kerry ran his campaign on claiming the great success he would have in courting world opinion (did you know he speaks French?). Even when Bush went to the UN, Kerry claimed Bush didn't do enough to win over world opinion.

How "the world" sees America matters more to the Left than how we see ourselves. It matters more to them even than how well we defend ourselves. If France doesn't want us to fight, then by golly we must not fight.

It goes back to my post on Britain's coming removal of teaching right from wrong in the school system. Without knowing right and wrong, we lose our moral moorings and drift aimlessly in the harsh, fickle sea of "world opinion." And that's a recipe for disaster.

The moment one recognizes "world opinion" for what it is – a statement of moral cowardice, one is no longer enthralled by the term. That "world opinion" at this moment allegedly loathes America and Israel is a badge of honor to be worn proudly by those countries. It is when "world opinion" and its news media start liking you that you should wonder if you've lost your way.


Malott said...

Great Post!

There was a time when we were much less "other directed" in the administrations of our affairs. Why does the richest and most powerful nation have to have to bow to world opinion? The fact that the rest of the world pushes us around speaks less of our sense of fairness than our lack of identity and resolve.

Leaders are more respected than liked... and we are neither.

All_I_Can_Stands said...

While all unnatural death is sad, the world body yawns at the the death of millions and screams at the death of tens...only of course if the deaths are part of their pet groups.

When it comes to world opinion, the world community has truly mastered the art of swallowing camels yet straining on gnats.

Great post.