Monday, August 21, 2006

Hezbollah is Rearming

WorldNetDaily reported today that Hezbollah is rearming and taking up their positions again. Anybody with half a brain had to see this coming.

Hezbollah has returned to many of its strongholds in south Lebanon and is capable of launching another round of attacks against the Jewish state, Israeli and Lebanese officials tell WorldNetDaily.

The statements follow scores of reports Iran and Syria are attempting to rearm Hezbollah one week after a cease-fire between Israel and Lebanon went into effect following 34 days of confrontations that began when Lebanese militia ambushed an Israeli patrol unit, kidnapping two soldiers and killing eight others.

The official said some Hezbollah members returned south in full view of the Israeli army, which has ceased most operations in Lebanon.

That's the key. Israel "has ceased most operations in Lebanon." Israel is abiding by their agreement in the cease fire. Lebanon and France are not.

The closest Lebanon has come in living up to its part of the bargain is to warn its people not to fire rockets on Israel, as reported today in The Scotsman. But that part about Lebanon disarming Hezbollah? Forget about it. Nope. They won't do it.

But this is rich (from the Scotsman article):

Standing amid the rubble of Hezbollah's south Beirut stronghold, [Lebanese prime minister, Fuad] Siniora, who was touring the area with parliamentary speaker and Hezbollah backer, Nabih Berri, said: "What we see today is an image of the crimes Israel has committed."

But the Lebanese defence minister, Elias Murr, said: "Any rocket that would give Israel a justification [to attack Lebanon] will be treated harshly.

"It will be considered direct collaboration with the Israeli enemy." He said those responsible would be tried and referred to a military tribunal.

Mr Murr made clear his warning was not directed at Hezbollah, which he said "is totally committed" to the ceasefire.

Right. Hezbollah is totally committed to the ceasefire. And Israel just decided out of the blue to start bombing Southern Lebanon last month for absolutely no reason.

[The Lebanese] government stressed it would not tolerate any aggressive action which might threaten the ceasefire, despite an Israeli commando foray near Bodai, about 15 miles from the Lebanese-Syrian border on Saturday.

Israel's tourism minister, Isaac Herzog, said that as UN Security Council resolution 1701, which is the basis for the ceasefire, called for an embargo on arms to Hezbollah, "we have the right to act as long as the embargo is being violated".

The UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, has said the Bodai commando raid was a violation of the ceasefire.

Kofi Annan's statement is one more piece of evidence that the UN has become nothing more than a tool for the tyrannical dictators and terrorist leaders of the world. Another piece of evidence is his lack of disapproval over Lebanon's refusal to disarm Hezbollah.

With the UN in charge, terrorists keep their weapons and democracies are emasculated. And the worst part of this, as an American, is that US leadership is in collusion with the terror supporters at a time when we're supposed to be at war against "terror."

1 comment:

Malott said...

"US leadership is in collusion with the terror supporters at a time when we're supposed to be at war against "terror."

Perfectly stated.