Friday, January 12, 2007

Reshaping the Baptists

The Christian Post reported Tuesday (HT: WorldNetDaily) that former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton are teaming up to help reshape the Baptist Church.

An annual North American Baptist Fellowship meeting in Atlanta, Ga., was scheduled to conclude Tuesday morning at the Carter Center with the announcement of a historic 2008 convocation.

The Carter Center is Carter's think tank, where 14 members of the Board of Councilors just resigned in protest over Carter's latest pro-Palestinian propaganda book.

The convocation, part of Carter's new Baptist voice initiative, is expected to draw more than 20,000 Baptist participants from throughout the United States and Canada in an effort to counter the negative and judgmental image of Baptists, according to the Associated Baptist Press.

Any "negative and judgmental image of Baptists" comes from the liberal media spokespeople for the liberal politicians, who don't like conservatives or religious people. The "image" is just that: an image, not the reality.

Carter, member of Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Ga., and Clinton, member of Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock, Ark., are slated to speak at the convocation. Both identify with more progressive Baptist groups (emphasis added).

No kidding!

My sister and her family are Baptists. I can't imagine her congregation joining any bandwagon that has the anti-semitic, America-bashing Carter and the unrepentant, adulterous Clinton as its spokesmen. But then, maybe I'm just being negative and judgmental...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the purpose of "Reshaping the Baptist Church" was to make it more faithful and appealing to God... but Jimmy and Bill are no doubt "using the Church" for more selfish reasons.

I'm sure there are thousands upon thousands of Baptists with Democrat roots that will use this as an excuse to vote for pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-separation of state politicians.

But the wise Baptist will see this as an unveiling of Jimmy and Bill - as they seek to change the Church, instead of letting the Church change them.

Great post.