Monday, August 07, 2006

Cramping My Style

Work is really getting in the way of my blogging lately!

The last two weeks I got home after 10pm most days and then needed a couple hours to unwind before I could get to sleep. Naturally, I had to get to work on time every morning (except for the Monday I really messed up my alarm clock and was two hours late).

We're scrambling at work, overloaded and no relief in sight. Today was only different from last week, because the air conditioning was mostly out on our floor. I had taken a chance and worn a light sweater (the pullover kind, not a cardigan you can take off), expecting it to be cool at work.

Sleep deprivation and hot air are a deadly combination. I wasn't the only one in our staff meeting whose eyes were at half-mast. As soon as I finished everything I needed to do at my desk, I took my work laptop home, where if I was going to sweat, I could do it in clothes that didn't mind. Home, un-air-conditioned as it is, was pleasant, and I worked until 10pm.

Blogging is my escape from the tedium, but between rushed lunch hours and not enough sleep, my mind doesn't feel at full capacity, so I haven't been doing my blogging justice. I hate that.

I really need to start eating more curry.


Anonymous said...

Might I suggest vitamin E and fish oil? They won't help the air conditioning but they'll help the brain.

SkyePuppy said...


I already take lots of other letters. I suppose another one can't hurt (and might help).

But the fish oil? Since I've promoted the flinging of dead fish recently, I'm paranoid that somehow the fish being oiled might know and come back through the supplements and ... do something. I dunno...

Malott said...

Cod liver oil... you'll sleep better, avoid heart disease, and it is delicious used as a garnish for hard boiled eggs.

SkyePuppy said...


I like spinach salad as a garnish for hard boiled eggs.

Really, I sleep well. The problem is getting to bed at a decent time after my mind has a chance to unwind. Cod liver oil can't get my work done sooner.

Thanks for the suggestions, though. I'll take them under advisement.