Thursday, May 24, 2007

Finals Finished!

Anatomy & Physiology is over. Done. Finished. Completed. All sewn up. Ain't no more.

There was a moment, about halfway through the lab exam, when a line from A League of Their Own ran through my head. It's near the end of the movie, when Geena Davis comes back and Tom Hanks sees her, and he says to himself, "We're gonna WIN!!!"

That's the line.

At every station (look at the model of body parts and answer the 4 or 5 questions about it), I knew all the answers, wrote them down, then spent the remaining time (two minutes total at each station) trying not to look like I was cheating or anything. Every once in a while they asked a question I didn't know.

I am so going to ace this class, I can't quite believe it.

I'll take a break tonight, then tomorrow I have to get scrambling on this week's assignments for the online classes that started already.

But that's tomorrow. Tonight I feel fabulous!


Christina said...

There's not much better than the thrill of victory...except knowing that you did your best and your best was pretty darn good!

Congrats. You're one step closer to your goal and off to a great start!

Malott said...

You da bomb!