Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Here's the link to my post earlier this week on the orphaned owls.

I really love the picture. The babies look so wide-eyed and clueless. The mom is 100% focused on being there for the babies. There's something about it that keeps me going back to look at the four little ones huddling up to their "mom."

Today is the day for huddling up to your mom, if you still have her with you here on earth, and if you're a mom yourself, for huddling up to your (not so) little ones.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day!


Bekah said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, Skyepuppy! I just got back from spending the morning with my Mom. I was born on Mother's Day - so I made her work right from the start. Hopefully I went a little easier on her today. LOL.

janice said...

Happy Mother's Day Skye!

My Mom and Dad came down Sunday morning and spent the night with Nick and me. We had a wonderful visit.
They just left this morning and I'm so tired. Me and Mom stayed up all night talking. What a nice weekend.

SkyePuppy said...

Bekah & Janice,

Thank you!

My son took me out to lunch, and we stayed there talking for two hours. Priceless!